8. Вставь в текст слова аm, is, are, have got
has got, can по смыслу.
Look at my friend! His name ___Maxim
and he___11. He___a nice bike. It___
blue and white. My friend ____

ride a bike very well. Maxim ___a little
sister, Amy. She___at home now.
Amy___6 and she ___very smart. She ___ count to 20, she____read and draw pictures. Amy ___not speak English.

Ответ :



Look at my friend! His name is Maxim and he is 11. He has got a nice bike. It is blue and white. My friend can ride a bike very well. Maxim has got a little sister, Amy. She is at home now.

Amy is 6 and she is very smart. She can count to 20, she can read and draw pictures. Amy can not speak English.


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